New Moon Trims Grow Hair Fast!

New Moon Trims Grows Hair Fast

Trimming your hair using the lunar phases as a guide works!  Just like farmers have planted at certain times of the year/season to encourage grown.  We are just like the plants, the moon effects the tides of the ocean & we all know that we are composed of about 80% water.  Our hair is made up of epithelial tissue which is composed of mostly hydrogen and oxygen. These are the two elements that make up water.  When the Moon is in the same place as the Sun, it is called a New Moon. Then the moon increases in light, which is called the waxing moon) fluids are drawn up which constitutes growth. The opposite is true during a Full or waning Moon.

The New Moon in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces are the best astrological signs for faster, longer, thicker, and healthier tresses.

Today, May 20 is a great day for a trim.
If you miss today, you still have May 20th, 23rd, 24th, June 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd. 

Read more: Grow My Hair

Individuality Is Always More Important | Frederick Parnell Hair Blog

Individuality Is Always More Important | Frederick Parnell Hair Blog:

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Blame the Recession: Experts Weigh In On the Bare Beauty Trend – Fashionista: Fashion Industry News, Designers, Runway Shows, Style Advice

True, the runways sure don't look like they used to pre-millenium.  Productions look obviously broke, or maybe it's just plain ol' cheap.  The 'no-hair hair' trend has gone way too far and has lasted way too long.  It's been a good time for the spread-yourself-too-thin hair & make-up artists.  A 'hair/make-up' artist was hardly heard of a little over a decade ago.  The industry's decision to cut corners by cutting hair (no pun intended) has the industry looking rather 'poor'.  Hair looks are very uninspiring to say the least.  Everyone looks like carbon copies of nothingness, even the sisters, who have been known to keep it stylish, have even followed suit and are sporting boring 'no-hair hair' weaves.  Somebody wake me up when this is over.

Hair is the crown. It is the woman's crowning glory. It is the cherry that sets off any image, look, genre, period, or idea.  It communicates an idea and a feeling.  Even a slicked ponytail, in the right context, can speak volumes.  Remember Helmut Newton?  Robert Palmer video?  With the hair in images today being so lifeless, the images have become lifeless as well.  Bore-ring!  Personally, I think, if you have all that money to dress in the best, why does your hair look like you're in between jobs?  I mean, really, some hairdressers are doing well, or at least paying their bills, doing the least as they can to match how depreciated the value of hair has become.  I mean, really, who is going to do a $1000 service for $150 and still deliver thousand dollar quality?  On the other hand, a lot of mediocre hairdressers are really feeling themselves right now.  We should be a little worried because hair is a direct reflection of the value of the U.S. dollar.  Hairdressers have always been known to flourish under any economic client.

It has been proven that a woman with coiffed hair and clean, detailed, and beautiful make-up, is believed to be more intelligent and precise all the way down to her appearance.  She is appreciated to her attention to detail.  It is a reflection of how she conducts herself in other areas of her life. My mom used to say "well put together".  A well dressed raggedy woman can be compared to pouring syrup on sh*t and thinking it's pancakes, a term my tactless father used to say.  Hair and makeup is to a woman as salt is to food, it doesn't need it, but it is surely better with it.

Real money looks like new money.  
Hey, that's just the way it is.
Your image is your worth.
Personally, and in business.
Anything else is just a front and is not fooling the truly wise.
And money aside, in true self-expression, hair is paramount.  (Unless you have nothing to say/express.)
What is your hair, or your production's hair, saying about you?

-written by Tanya

Blame the Recession: Experts Weigh In On the Bare Beauty Trend – Fashionista: Fashion Industry News, Designers, Runway Shows, Style Advice:

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Primp Your Food - Healthy Eating to Thicken Hair

Primping does not stop at just what you look like. A healthy diet has many perks. You can eat your way to a healthy and thick head of hair. A common complaint from women is hair dryness. First of all, if you are not drinking 8 servings of water a day, you are going to be dry. That goes for anything. Water the grass and it will be greener. Flush water through your system to clean and get toxic things moving on out. Just like you wash and shower everyday, you need to do the same the the inside of your body. What if you didn't take a shower as often as your forget to drink some water? 
Another common concern is hair thinning. Several factors can contribute to hair loss and the thinning of hair. Some causes include heredity, stress, a high level of the DHT hormone, and inadequate nutrition. Incorporating a healthy diet into your lifestyle can help prevent hair loss and promote thicker, fuller hair. Key nutrients to include are protein, iron, essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and the B vitamins. These nutrients can be found in a wide variety of sources and can easily fit into your diet. However, results will vary depending on the individual and the degree of hair loss or thinning.

Protein and Iron
Protein-rich foods should be the building block of your diet in order for hair cells to grow. The best sources of protein can be found in liver, fish, eggs, beans, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt, or tempeh. Animal proteins are the best choices because they contain all eight essential amino acids required for protein synthesis. For iron-rich foods, eat more whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables, dates, raisins, and eggs.

Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids are vital to promote the growth and fullness of hair. Incorporate seeds and nuts like walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds into your snacks and meals. More common sources of essential fatty acids are flax, canola oil, fish and soy.

Vitamin E improves circulation to all parts of the body. The scalp needs proper circulation in order for hair follicles to be stimulated. Vitamin E can be found in avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, wheat germ, dried beans, soybeans, and dark green leafy vegetables. The B vitamins which include Biotin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Pantothenic Acid prevent hair loss. These vitamins can easily be incorporated by adding eggs, meat, poultry, and whole grain cereals to your diet. Read more:

Primp your food and get the body you've always wanted AND get the body you've always wanted. While you are eating to get your hair thicker, you may get thinner, more proportioned and/or shapely. And for some, that's good news! Eating healthy has been known to make you look better and feel better. Who doesn't want to look and feel better? There you have it.

Primpin Will Up Your Stock

There's nothing like being a natural beauty. Everyone is beautiful. However, there is nothing more hypnotizing than a primped out woman. Remember Esther from the bible? Food is good, but it’s a whole lot better with salt. Primping to a woman is like salt to food. . Now if you are an independent woman, primping can bring you more income.

Investing in Your primp regimen will yield large returns in the workplace or business.

Haha, no ladies, we're not talking about anything sexual (even though you probably hoped so). But it is proven! Not only will the flavor be enhanced, but your funds will follow.

Looking for a new job?

Trying to land that new position?

Negotiating for that big contract?

Want to get your rent paid?

Trying to get married?

Well then, up your primp game!

Now I'm talking about women who are not scared to be admired and get many stares. Women who are not afraid to exude pure

femininity. People respect a well put together woman. A female who took time to look at herself long enough to detail her look. Hair plays a HUGE part in this.

Men are drawn to sexy, pretty, interesting hair no matter what the woman is wearing. So if you want to get paid, you better get to primping! Whether you like it or not, people are nicer to you and desire to do things for you if you look good. Period.

A beautiful head of hair is a sign of good health and good hygiene. Men like that. This goes for weaves also. Okay, you can have a weave, but make sure the final look is a beautiful head of hair where you look healthy and the hair looks healthy. Since you are alive and you move, your hair needs to have movement also. Hair that doesn't move is not sexy. Stiff hair is broke hair! You ain’t making no money with that. Go to a job interview with some shellacked into place hair if you want to. More than likely, you won’t get the job.

If you want to take it to an even higher level and increase your funds even more? Have some sexy hair and a wonderful personality and see what happens! Personality goes a long way. You can look halfway decent and get over with some personality. When you put some sexy on top of that, it’s a match made in heaven. It doesn’t matter how long, or short the hair is, as long as it's sexy. A lot of times it's the personality of the person that makes the hair become sexy.

Don’t get me wrong people. One would assume that I am only talking about situations where men are involved. It’s 2011! Even a woman responds positively also. It’s a beautiful thing. People of any age, any sex can’t deny beauty. With the right primped out look, doors open. Most are petrified to walk in that power. Girls, use it! It’s yours. It’s powerful. But don’t abuse it.

Choosing a Flat Iron

Flat Irons Explained

There are so many labels. What is the difference between Ceramic, Ionic, Tourmaline and Infrared? Ceramic or tourmaline is the coating material for the hot plates. Both ceramic and tourmaline produce negative ions when heated. There are benefits of ions. Your hair carries positive electrical charges caused by dry friction and natural movement of the hair. These positive charges cause the hair to fluff out, become difficult to style, and cause hair cuticles to open , resulting in dull, unhealthy hair. The negative ions cancel the positive electrical charges making your hair smoother and healthier. All heated items produce infrared rays which do not make a difference in the results.

What size flat iron should I choose? It depends on your hair texture and hair length. Unless your hair is very long, a 1 to 1-1/2 inch flat iron will do fine in most cases. If you have natural straight hair and you just want to smooth or de-frizz, choose small ones (1 to 1-1/2 inch). Small sizes are also recommended for hair that's short or already chemically straightened. Small sizes are lighter, easier to use and more versatile while bigger ones (2+ inch) work faster and save time with long coarse hair, but they are not as user-friendly and generally on the heavy side. Most popular sizes are 1-1/4" and 1-1/2 inch.

What temperature should I use? Different hair texture requires different temperature. It is very important to buy a flat iron with adjustable temperature.

  • Normal Hair 360-380 degrees
  • Very coarse, thick, curly or ethnic hair 380-410 degrees (450 is the truth, but you have to know what you're doing)
  • Bleached, fragile, damaged or fine hair - below 360 degrees

How can I reduce damage from flat iron? First of all, it is extremely important that you set the right temperature for your hair. Try a few settings starting from low to high until you find a setting that will straighten your hair fast and efficiently while not scorching your hair. That perfect temperature is usually right before scorching, so take your time to find the perfect setting and use a heat protection spray or silicone before styling.

Is a professional flat iron really worth the money as opposed to a drugstore brand? Flat irons available from drugstores are generally made with cheap materials and are poorly designed. They may even claim to be "ceramic" or "tourmaline". In actuality, most of them are made with aluminum plates coated with paint. The coating usually comes off plates after a few uses and hair gets caught and broken between the plates. Some have complained that their hair becomes thinner and thinner after using inexpensive flat irons over an extended period of time. Maintaining constant temperature is vital to the performance of a flat iron. Consumer grade flat irons use cheap PTC heater that can not sustain a constant temperature, so you end up going through your hair many times to get it straight causing more damage. Also, with a consumer flat iron, curly or frizzy hair reverts back quickly. The hair has a burnt smell and is severely damaged after using it a while. For one hundred dollars or more, a good professional iron will pay for itself over and over again. To make your iron last longer be sure to unplug it right after use. Do not wrap power cords around the iron and keep your plates clean.

Ask A Primp: "Can You Comb Out Dreadlocks?"

YES, you can!!! You can comb out dreadlocks!

I did say, "Yes"!

With a lot of time and patience it can be done.

Dreadlocks are beautiful and a lot of people think they are irreversable. When most people are ready for a change from their dreads, cutting them off is thought to be the only option. However, there are other options for the extremely determined.

A dreadlock is created by not combing out the hair that naturally sheds everyday. Those unreleased hairs lock other hairs together and voila, the dreadlock is born.


Supplies needed:
  1. Lots of patience, commitment, and determination
  2. A small toothed comb
  3. A quality detangling conditioner
  4. A ponytail holder
  5. Patience

Before you start:

Get your mind right. Know that this will take a long time. Depending on your commitment, it could take days, even weeks. Plan it out. One dread could take an hour to comb out depending on length. So that is a good estimation for 6-8 inch dreads; one hour per dread. As you can imagine, this is not a one day project.

Come up with a system. You may decide to comb out two dreads a day over the course of a month. The commitment is important because YOU WILL GET DISCOURAGED at some point. If you are determined, you will press on and get the results you desire.

A lot of hair will shed. This is normal because, like I explained earlier, you hair sheds everyday, but with dreadlocks those hairs never get released. All of them will come out now.


  1. Separate the dreadlock that you would like to work on by gathering all other dreads together securing them with a ponytail holder.
  2. Saturate the dreadlock with a moisturizing, detangling conditioner.
  3. With a small toothed comb and plenty of patience, start combing the dread from the very end. Take your time and move up the dreadlock slowly. You can even detangle the dread with short, scraping motions with the comb.
  4. This process cannot be rushed. It may be cool to watch a movie or your favorite television show while you slowly move through your hair.
  5. Good Luck!

Or, you can pay someone to do this. It is really a do-it-yourself project, because you couldn't afford it! You would need a lot of money to pay someone to do this for you. If 'BIG BUDGET' is your middle name, then call the Primp Club and get primped out!

Hair by Frederick Parnell

"Put Your Wait On It"

When contemplating a significant style change, give it the test of time. Wait a couple of weeks, or even a month. Alot of times, trends may catch our attention and excite us for a moment but that's the beauty of persuasion and repetition in media. If you see something enough, you just might start to think you like it. Deception.. ah ha ha ha

"Be ye not decieved." Looks that aren't worth it usually excite quickly then fizzle out; just like some bad relationship choices. These looks you should pass up on because they start out with a wow factor and later become a burden, a bore, or even cookie-cutter. And who wants that?

If, after a minute, you still crave this new look, then go for it! Use it as inspiration though, do not be too literal. An inspiration for a hairstyle can be customized to look beautiful on you, yet a literal interpretation may be a big mistake. Make sure you do all of your maintainence research to properly care for your new look.

Perfect example, on Sept 4th, Felicia (from the last blog entry) wrote, "I really wanna go blonde.. like mary/queen latifa/beyonce blonde..... i reallllllllllyyyyy reallllllyyy want it that color!" Then on Sept 30th Felecia writes, "....and im sticking with BLACKKK i want jet blackk!! .. "

See what I'm talking about?

When in doubt.... be-weave it.

Ask A Primp: Felicia Wants To Have MORE FUN

I just wanted to ask a few questions bout my hair...

I really wanna go blonde.. like mary/queen latifa/beyonce blonde..... as long as i condition it my hair wont really break will it?

i reallllllllllyyyyy reallllllyyy want it that color! i havent got a perm yet... its soo hard... but im doing good

much luv,

Mary/Queen Latifa/Beyonce?
Paris Hilton/Aguilera/Pamela?...
I feel ya.

Okay, here are your options:

Oh, wait, but first question... do you want long healthy hair one day? Is that a concern of yours?

Okay, options:

1) Get a weave! Weaving is a great tool to acquire any desired look or color while caring for your hair and allowing it to grow. Long, short, medium, curly, wavy, maybe something two toned would look good? There are so many choices when it comes to this. If and when you get over the blonde, you can move on with a healthy head of hair that didn't have to withstand the trend.

2) Get the color! Not worried too too much about the health of your hair or going long? Then get the bleach ready! Now your hair is very thick, coarse and very dark. The thickness and coarseness of it is good and it would probably fair okay with just a little damage. That's IF you COMMIT to going natural texture-wise and following a consistent haircare routine. Your hair texture requires alot of moisture care and this is emphasized to the tenth degree when colored. Permanent color is not as damaging as bleach lighteners, but with the darkness of your hair, a lightener will have to be used to achieve the color you want.

3) Get the color and relaxer! Not worried AT ALL about the health of your hair? Love to gamble? It is always smart, if you must, to pick ONE chemical to alter your hair. Either a relaxer or color, but not usually both. There are a few hair product companies that offer the relax/lighten option. Once you start with a particular hair product line you have to keep using that line and no other. I have to admit that I have seen some of the fresh finished processes that looked and felt pretty good. However, I have not seen how these products age. Most processes, unless they are total disasters, don't really raise their ugly heads (no pun intended) until weeks later. Usually after the 2nd or 3rd process the damage is severly evident. Don't trip, short hair is the bomb too!

Hair is an awesome medium for the artform that we love and specialize in. Whatever direction you decide to take, it's all good and with none of them do you have to sacrifice beauty.

The challenge in the end really is finding a talented hairdresser with conviction, technique, and the knowledge necessary to really transform your idea to reality.

Everybody ain't got the Primp Club.
