New Moon Trims Grow Hair Fast!

New Moon Trims Grows Hair Fast

Trimming your hair using the lunar phases as a guide works!  Just like farmers have planted at certain times of the year/season to encourage grown.  We are just like the plants, the moon effects the tides of the ocean & we all know that we are composed of about 80% water.  Our hair is made up of epithelial tissue which is composed of mostly hydrogen and oxygen. These are the two elements that make up water.  When the Moon is in the same place as the Sun, it is called a New Moon. Then the moon increases in light, which is called the waxing moon) fluids are drawn up which constitutes growth. The opposite is true during a Full or waning Moon.

The New Moon in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces are the best astrological signs for faster, longer, thicker, and healthier tresses.

Today, May 20 is a great day for a trim.
If you miss today, you still have May 20th, 23rd, 24th, June 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd. 

Read more: Grow My Hair

1 comment:

Miss Tonya said...

bout to get mine trimmed as soon as the chair is empty!