"Put Your Wait On It"

When contemplating a significant style change, give it the test of time. Wait a couple of weeks, or even a month. Alot of times, trends may catch our attention and excite us for a moment but that's the beauty of persuasion and repetition in media. If you see something enough, you just might start to think you like it. Deception.. ah ha ha ha

"Be ye not decieved." Looks that aren't worth it usually excite quickly then fizzle out; just like some bad relationship choices. These looks you should pass up on because they start out with a wow factor and later become a burden, a bore, or even cookie-cutter. And who wants that?

If, after a minute, you still crave this new look, then go for it! Use it as inspiration though, do not be too literal. An inspiration for a hairstyle can be customized to look beautiful on you, yet a literal interpretation may be a big mistake. Make sure you do all of your maintainence research to properly care for your new look.

Perfect example, on Sept 4th, Felicia (from the last blog entry) wrote, "I really wanna go blonde.. like mary/queen latifa/beyonce blonde..... i reallllllllllyyyyy reallllllyyy want it that color!" Then on Sept 30th Felecia writes, "....and im sticking with BLACKKK i want jet blackk!! .. "

See what I'm talking about?

When in doubt.... be-weave it.

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