Primpin Will Up Your Stock

There's nothing like being a natural beauty. Everyone is beautiful. However, there is nothing more hypnotizing than a primped out woman. Remember Esther from the bible? Food is good, but it’s a whole lot better with salt. Primping to a woman is like salt to food. . Now if you are an independent woman, primping can bring you more income.

Investing in Your primp regimen will yield large returns in the workplace or business.

Haha, no ladies, we're not talking about anything sexual (even though you probably hoped so). But it is proven! Not only will the flavor be enhanced, but your funds will follow.

Looking for a new job?

Trying to land that new position?

Negotiating for that big contract?

Want to get your rent paid?

Trying to get married?

Well then, up your primp game!

Now I'm talking about women who are not scared to be admired and get many stares. Women who are not afraid to exude pure

femininity. People respect a well put together woman. A female who took time to look at herself long enough to detail her look. Hair plays a HUGE part in this.

Men are drawn to sexy, pretty, interesting hair no matter what the woman is wearing. So if you want to get paid, you better get to primping! Whether you like it or not, people are nicer to you and desire to do things for you if you look good. Period.

A beautiful head of hair is a sign of good health and good hygiene. Men like that. This goes for weaves also. Okay, you can have a weave, but make sure the final look is a beautiful head of hair where you look healthy and the hair looks healthy. Since you are alive and you move, your hair needs to have movement also. Hair that doesn't move is not sexy. Stiff hair is broke hair! You ain’t making no money with that. Go to a job interview with some shellacked into place hair if you want to. More than likely, you won’t get the job.

If you want to take it to an even higher level and increase your funds even more? Have some sexy hair and a wonderful personality and see what happens! Personality goes a long way. You can look halfway decent and get over with some personality. When you put some sexy on top of that, it’s a match made in heaven. It doesn’t matter how long, or short the hair is, as long as it's sexy. A lot of times it's the personality of the person that makes the hair become sexy.

Don’t get me wrong people. One would assume that I am only talking about situations where men are involved. It’s 2011! Even a woman responds positively also. It’s a beautiful thing. People of any age, any sex can’t deny beauty. With the right primped out look, doors open. Most are petrified to walk in that power. Girls, use it! It’s yours. It’s powerful. But don’t abuse it.

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