Ask A Primp: "Can You Comb Out Dreadlocks?"

YES, you can!!! You can comb out dreadlocks!

I did say, "Yes"!

With a lot of time and patience it can be done.

Dreadlocks are beautiful and a lot of people think they are irreversable. When most people are ready for a change from their dreads, cutting them off is thought to be the only option. However, there are other options for the extremely determined.

A dreadlock is created by not combing out the hair that naturally sheds everyday. Those unreleased hairs lock other hairs together and voila, the dreadlock is born.


Supplies needed:
  1. Lots of patience, commitment, and determination
  2. A small toothed comb
  3. A quality detangling conditioner
  4. A ponytail holder
  5. Patience

Before you start:

Get your mind right. Know that this will take a long time. Depending on your commitment, it could take days, even weeks. Plan it out. One dread could take an hour to comb out depending on length. So that is a good estimation for 6-8 inch dreads; one hour per dread. As you can imagine, this is not a one day project.

Come up with a system. You may decide to comb out two dreads a day over the course of a month. The commitment is important because YOU WILL GET DISCOURAGED at some point. If you are determined, you will press on and get the results you desire.

A lot of hair will shed. This is normal because, like I explained earlier, you hair sheds everyday, but with dreadlocks those hairs never get released. All of them will come out now.


  1. Separate the dreadlock that you would like to work on by gathering all other dreads together securing them with a ponytail holder.
  2. Saturate the dreadlock with a moisturizing, detangling conditioner.
  3. With a small toothed comb and plenty of patience, start combing the dread from the very end. Take your time and move up the dreadlock slowly. You can even detangle the dread with short, scraping motions with the comb.
  4. This process cannot be rushed. It may be cool to watch a movie or your favorite television show while you slowly move through your hair.
  5. Good Luck!

Or, you can pay someone to do this. It is really a do-it-yourself project, because you couldn't afford it! You would need a lot of money to pay someone to do this for you. If 'BIG BUDGET' is your middle name, then call the Primp Club and get primped out!

Hair by Frederick Parnell


Unknown said...

I remember when you and Fred did this on Mia. It works people!!

Nicole Scott-Tate said...

Great tips. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

thank you so much , i thought i was going to have to cut my hair. it at shoulder length now.
great tip!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much , and yes you do need alot of patience. it worked ! and and i didn't lose much length.

Anonymous said...

Ty b/c i was in jail for over a mon and unable to comb my hair and i have long hair and was scared i was going to have to cut my hair and to me that's not what i wanted b/c i love my long curly hair :)