Ask A Primp: Felicia Wants To Have MORE FUN

I just wanted to ask a few questions bout my hair...

I really wanna go blonde.. like mary/queen latifa/beyonce blonde..... as long as i condition it my hair wont really break will it?

i reallllllllllyyyyy reallllllyyy want it that color! i havent got a perm yet... its soo hard... but im doing good

much luv,

Mary/Queen Latifa/Beyonce?
Paris Hilton/Aguilera/Pamela?...
I feel ya.

Okay, here are your options:

Oh, wait, but first question... do you want long healthy hair one day? Is that a concern of yours?

Okay, options:

1) Get a weave! Weaving is a great tool to acquire any desired look or color while caring for your hair and allowing it to grow. Long, short, medium, curly, wavy, maybe something two toned would look good? There are so many choices when it comes to this. If and when you get over the blonde, you can move on with a healthy head of hair that didn't have to withstand the trend.

2) Get the color! Not worried too too much about the health of your hair or going long? Then get the bleach ready! Now your hair is very thick, coarse and very dark. The thickness and coarseness of it is good and it would probably fair okay with just a little damage. That's IF you COMMIT to going natural texture-wise and following a consistent haircare routine. Your hair texture requires alot of moisture care and this is emphasized to the tenth degree when colored. Permanent color is not as damaging as bleach lighteners, but with the darkness of your hair, a lightener will have to be used to achieve the color you want.

3) Get the color and relaxer! Not worried AT ALL about the health of your hair? Love to gamble? It is always smart, if you must, to pick ONE chemical to alter your hair. Either a relaxer or color, but not usually both. There are a few hair product companies that offer the relax/lighten option. Once you start with a particular hair product line you have to keep using that line and no other. I have to admit that I have seen some of the fresh finished processes that looked and felt pretty good. However, I have not seen how these products age. Most processes, unless they are total disasters, don't really raise their ugly heads (no pun intended) until weeks later. Usually after the 2nd or 3rd process the damage is severly evident. Don't trip, short hair is the bomb too!

Hair is an awesome medium for the artform that we love and specialize in. Whatever direction you decide to take, it's all good and with none of them do you have to sacrifice beauty.

The challenge in the end really is finding a talented hairdresser with conviction, technique, and the knowledge necessary to really transform your idea to reality.

Everybody ain't got the Primp Club.
